January 2015 - June 2016

Senior Administrative Assistant

Since I graduated from university in June 2016, my employer had me hire and train my replacement, which enhanced my guidance and mentorship skills. I reviewed applications and conducted interviews with many applicants. I also helped to train the legal assistants on office procedures. My regular duties included supervising and reviewing proper document filing, memo and correspondence drafting, and Sage Timeslips bill drafting.

February 2016 - June 2016

MUNSI 2016

In my last conference/job with Model UN at UCLA, I was a full-time counselor for the MUN Summer Institute, a program for high-school students hosted by the UCLA International Institute. I taught students on public speaking and crisis directed the League of Nations.

December 2015 - May 2016

GCIMUN 2016: Economic Commission for Europe

For the very last conference I ever chaired as an undergraduate, I went to Global Classrooms to chair the Economic Commission for Europe under the aegis of the Economic, Cultural, and Social (ECOSOC) division. I led a dais of two other undergraduates in chairing an eighty-person committee. Prior to the actual conference in May, I spent hours compiling and writing an update paper that was released in conjunction with the overall background guide. I also graded position papers and taught high school students the rules and procedures of MUN.

November 2015 - April 2016

LAMUN 2016: SPQR - Rome in Crisis

"The Death of Julius Caesar" (1798) by Vincenzo Camuccini. Painting located at Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples.

"The Death of Julius Caesar" (1798) by Vincenzo Camuccini. Painting located at Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples.

For my fourth and last LAMUN, I chaired the SPQR committee, which reenacted the end of the republican crisis that plagued the Roman Republic for almost a hundred years. It asked delegates what republicanism and patriotism means, and what it is prevent tyranny. Of course, those are salient political questions we are currently asking the current presidential administration.

It was the first-ever LAMUN committee to feature regular blog updates every week leading up to the conference.  I led a staff of three other people to pull off a specialized body-crisis hybrid akin to the one I piloted last year during LAMUN 2015. I received great reviews from delegates last year, and to repeat it was the cherry on top of my MUN at UCLA sundae. It was definitely a challenge as we had even more to live up to than last year, but we received good reviews from the committee and Secretariat. 

February 2015 - May 2015

GCIMUN 2015: UN Women

I was the assistant director of the UN Women committee for 2015's GCIMUN conference. GCIMUN is one of the largest high school-level MUN conferences in the world. In fact, the opening ceremonies are held in the UN headquarters to facilitate the sheer number of staff and delegates that the conference brings together. Given that the staff live across the world (one dais member was from London and another was from Beirut, not to mention Senior Secretariat members), it was critically important that everyone communicated effectively through social media and email. I worked closely with the Chief of Staff, Under-Secretary General of General Assemblies, and my fellow dais members to create the best possible committee. For GCIMUN 2016, the update paper I co-wrote was disseminated to all committees as the model of an ideal update paper.

November 2014 - April 2015

LAMUN 2015: Chinese Politburo 1989

Every MUN committee has a head chair, assisted by one or more assistant chairs, known as dais members. Since my second year at MUN@UCLA, I have been fortunate to be a head chair and to learn and practice my leadership skills in this role. I ran an effective dais team to how to lead one of the largest committees at LAMUN X, with twenty-five people. This includes not only chairing duties, such as taking motions for speeches, but also includes diplomatic skills and leadership skills. It also includes listening to feedback from delegates and implementing changes to the structure and flow of committee as necessary. The most important part, however, is being able to pay close attention to the performance of the delegates while simultaneously running a committee, for the dais has to collectively decide on awards. I strongly believe that the awards selection process should be through consensus-building and best done via unanimous decision. My committee received excellent from both head delegates and advisors from attending schools and was lauded by the Secretariat. It was the most well-reviewed committee at LAMUN 2015 with almost no complaints at all. In terms of individual preparation, I researched and wrote a detailed background guide for delegates. You can read it here.

May 2014 - November 2014

BruinMUN 2014: Organization of American States

The Organization of American States was the second committee I chaired at BruinMUN, and this one was unfortunately marked by problems. I had two staffers drop out on the conference last-minute at a time when replacements could not be found. The third called in sick the day of the conference. This left me and another staffer to run a conference for two days, aided by the Under-Secretary Generals and the Secretary General when they could spare the time. It really challenged my leadership skills, as I had to direct a committee while teaching a new staffer how to run a committee, since he had not been previously trained for dais duty. I also worked with our club reporters, the International Press, host a press conference at BruinMUN for the first time. All in all, it was incredibly challenging and equally as fun.

December 2013 - April 2014

LAMUN 2014: House of Commons 1981

The House of Commons 1981 was the first committee I chaired at LAMUN, and it was a crisis committee as well. The difference between a general assembly committee and a crisis committee is that a general assembly will only talk about the two topics set by the chair for that conference, while a crisis committee can incorporate current events pertinent to that body via press releases or crisis updates that reflect the changing and unpredictable world we live in. For the House of Commons 1981, we not only had the Falklands War, but also included the Irish Republican Army's terrorism, stagnation, the Tories' attempt to eliminate the welfare state, and the continuing political worries that the Cold War caused. I co-led this committee with a crisis director, and together we trained, delegated responsibilities, and directed five staffers to host a successful committee at LAMUN. 

April 2013 - November 2013

BruinMUN 2013: Novice United Nations Human Rights Council

BruinMUN was the first conference that I was a chair for, and so it was incredibly alarming for me, since I had never been a chair before, and my committee was actually the largest at BruinMUN. One of BruinMUN's main attractions are our novice committees, which result in the novice committees being our largest. It was my job to teach three new MUN at UCLA members how to chair a committee, as well as teach over a hundred new students how to do MUN while simultaneously directing them in committee. I initially had mixed reviews but quickly improved to learn the committee's needs. One of my dais members was selected to become a chair for BruinMUN 2014 and lead a committee of her own.